× Phaseshift FCOM Tutorials


Bubblehead Game Dev started as Bubblehead Studios in 2021, from working on our first game Phaseshift. Since then we've fallen in love with the indie game community and not only wanted to give back, but show everyone else how great indie games are! Initially developed to store all of my personal documentation and learning through using C# and Unity; I thought this might be of use to others too! This platform has been created the aim of helping fellow indie game developers find the code snippets, tutorials or guidance they need to quickly and easily help improve their creations. 

We envisage this platform growing in features and use as time goes on, allowing a voice to new and upcoming indie game developers through reviews and news as well as keeping tabs on Bubblehead Game Dev's own creations! 

We hope this platform helps you, if you have any questions or suggestions please follow the links to our socials.

Current Members


Builder of this here website, and a couple of Unity games. Destroyer of cheese, petter of cats.